Grind Yer Gristle With This Gore-gasmic Galvanizer Premiere


Ripping Finnish death…grind?!

You’ve probably seen the term “Finnish death metal” bandied around quite a bit in the last few years, is it just the latest buzzword/descriptor to resurface in an ouroboric stream of hyperbolic journalist jerk-off jargon? Probably. Am I guilty of this? Most definitely. But answer me this, smartarse, how often have you been confronted with the term Finnish death-grind? Liar. Whatever. Well prior to this upcoming debut from Finnish trio Galvanizer, I had not come across anything bearing the markings of the musty old Finnish DM scene coupled with the fervid lust for the no-frills grind aesthetic of hovels worldwide. And whaddyaknow, it works a treat. The band’s upcoming debut on Everlasting Spew Records is a no bullshit brain beater that will have you compulsively using whatever is within reach as a make-shift snare, a snare that just drank your last beer and pissed on your rug.

Adorned with cover art courtesy of the legendary Turkka Rantanen, Sanguine Vigil will blend in nicely on the shelf with your old Demigod, Adramelech, and Demilich records. Pick up Galvanizer‘s debut through Everlasting Spew Records (TovH Interview) on CD or digitally on their Bandcamp site (with longsleeve/t-shirt bundles available), with vinyl and/or tape to be announced. Sanguine Vigil releases on February 27th.


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