The Appendix Podcast: Episode 3 – Sorry Ičëłånð


New music from Cattle Decap, Geryon, Carpe Noctem, and more! (+ verbal shitposting)

A very dumb Aussie and an extremely Texan dude attempt to redo our best episode yet. No, I’m not referring to last week’s Fuck You To France, I’m talking about the excellent episode we recorded that didn’t save to my cpu and has been pissing me off ever since. Anyway, this one was still pretty fun. We talk about Gollum metal, whammy bar wanking, being inconsiderate to Iceland, and brainpoo. All the high-brow stuff you’ve come to expect from what is arguably the ninth best podcast series on the Toilet ov Hell today! Scoll down and hit play if you’d like to join in the stupidity.

New music featured this week:

Cattle Decaptitation – ‘An Exposition Of Insides’ from Medium Rarities (out 23/11/18)

Soaked In Dissolution – ‘Dormancy’ from Counter (out now)

Geryon – ‘Time’s Wheel’ from Astomatous (out now)

Depths Above – ‘The Descent’ from Ex Nihilo (out now)

Carpe Noctem – ‘Söngurinn sem ómar á milli stjarnanna’ from Vitrun (out now)

Ragana – ‘The Void’ from Let Our Names Be Forgotton [Split w/ Thou] (out now)

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