Riff Of The Week: Time Edition



Last week the riffs had to be from years ending in the number 8. And in accordance with the laws of mathematics and infinite symmetry, I’m awarding victory to the eight riff. Well done.

This week our theme was Time. Here’s what you sent in…

Diabolical Masquerade – ‘Right On Time For Murder – The Hunt (Part II)’ (Riff @ 0:47)

So many obvious choices for this theme so went for one that’s a bit more obscure. Awesome album by Blakkheim aka Anders Nyström from Katatonia and Bloodbath, aided and abetted by the ever versatile Dan Swanö. The riff itself is a recurring one throughout the album, which I highly recommend checking out (and the neat story behind it).

Atheist – ‘Piece of Time’ (Riff @ 1:54)

I’m not cheating. You’re cheating.

Ian Rigg
Abysmal Dawn –  “In Service of Time” (Riff @ 3:45)

This riff is the culmination of a riff that starts around the 3:10 mark. The last minute of this song is absolutely crushing, like time.

Treebeard, Father of Fangorn
Lust for Death – ‘Cities are Burning’ (Riff @ 2:02)

The first time I saw this band was also the first time I saw Necrot, in a small dungeon of a tavern of France. The voice filled your head like the shriek of one of the Nine. The riff of choice in this song is one of three that occur, and each riff begs the volume to be turned up just a bit more, so that by the time the battle of speed and aggression is kicked on, you’re incapable of escaping the wings of this black beast of a group.

Howard Deanzig
Death Angel – “Seemingly Endless Time” (Riff @ 0:21)

The most underrated thrash band of all time? Death Angel is one of three acceptable answers (the other two being Slaughter and Metallica). These dudes had Big Four talent and could write killer mosh riffs with the best of them

Electric Wizard – “Time to Die” (Riff @ 0:43)

En garde, McNulty!

Blind Guardian – ‘Time What is Time’ (Riff @ 0:42)

The moment I read the theme for this week was the moment I knew I was submitting this song. As an added bonus, listening to this track for the first time in a long time got me listening to a bunch of their old stuff that I hadn’t heard in ages, and speed metal Blind Guardian is hella fun.

Enemy Of The Sun
Sabbat – ‘For Those Who Died’ (Riff @ 0:10)

One of the most underrated bands ever. Before Andy Sneap became a world class producer, he was laying down some of the gnarliest riffs ever written with this Nottingham thrash outfit. From their debut album, “History Of A Time To Come”

Ataraxy – ‘A Matter Lost In Time’ (Riff @ 1:11)

For Doom’st The Seroquel Lolls

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Next week is our final riffening for 2018. Send in your favourite riff released this year.
Anyone can enter.  Submission details below.

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