
Album Premiere: VHS – We’re Gonna Need Some Bigger Riffs


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Toilet obsessives know two things.

1) We love monster-themed heavy metal. From kaijus to deep-sea creatures and even snail gods, monsters rule everything around me. MREAM, as they say.

2) I dig Canadian thrashers VHS. From when I first played the band on an eeeaaaarrrlllyyy ass episode of Toilet Radio to our premiere of their split with Lord Rot and an in-depth interview with frontman Mike Hochins, you should be familiar with this band by now.

But if you’re not in the know, today is a great day to get known. We’re premiering the band’s third full-length today for your listening pleasure. We’re Gonna Need Some Bigger Riffs is chock full of tasty guitar riffage and gore-soaked lyrics immersed deep within in the briny depths.

In 14-tracks with a sub-30 minute runtime, VHS never give themselves an opportunity to wear out their welcome. Songs speed through monstrously, sinking their nasty little teeth into death metal, punk, thrash, and maybe just a hint of hair metal. With Rush out of the game, VHS could make a viable claim for best current power trio in Canada.

The 3-piece is joined for some guest spots here. Opener “Full Scream Ahead” is an orchestral instrumental supplied by Exhumed’s Matt Harvey. Harvey also joins in for vocals on “Humanoids of the Deep” and “Death and Carnage Coming in Waves”, while our buddy Trevor Strnad guests for “Rooting for the Villain”.

We’re Gonna Need Some Bigger Riffs is out Friday. You can pick up a CD from Rotten Roll Rex or a digital copy from HPGD Production’s Bandamp. It’s great, go get it.

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