Best Band Logo Post-2k Bracket: The Siqq Sixteen

Things are heating up in our competition to decide which band has made the best logo this millennium. Today it’s time to cast your Round 3 votes and pick who makes the quarter finals!
64 entries have been slashed to 16. Vampire easily exsanguinated Visigoth, Quantum Hierarchy blinked Ghost Barf out of existence, and 59% of you were confimed as Alcest wimps. While somehow that tear-soaked Xasthur smudge managed to just drown out the pointy boys in Droid, Revocaton scraped through over Nucleus, Cormorant fans flapped enough feathers to oust the fancy frogs in Hexecutor (and I’M NOT AT ALL EXTREMELY MAD ABOUT IT), and Cadaveric Fumes finally ceased the march of the Warcrab. Here’s how that shit looks now –
Time to vote!
Quantum Hierarchy
[yop_poll id=66]