Flush it Friday: Birds Are Gross AF


It all started adorably, with an older man at my company sharing a video that his neighbors had taken of the cardinals living near their front porch. As an avid bird-watcher (and bird), I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the recording, and delighted when the crimson pep-pep flew into view with food for his fledglings. Several gullet-fulls of regurgitated seeds later, one of his babies starting take a huge shid…and the father PULLED IT OUT OF HIS BABY’S BUTT AND ATE IT. Now that’s recycling! (Also I vomited immediately upon seeing this).

What does this have to do with this week’s crop of METAL CONTENT you ask? Abso-lutely nothing. Here you go:

Sepulcrustacean was visitated by the weirdo death merollers in Cryptic Shift:

Cryptic Shift – Visitations from Enceladus

IGoM rolled the bones to see if Joe TnK would dismiss him from the blog with his review of this Black Sabbath cover compilation:

No Bones About It: It’s Sacral Profanity as Sacred Bones Takes on Black Sabbath

Hans ordered us to take two minute-long songs and call him in the morning:

Bump’n’Grind – Just What the Doctor Ordered

BSG bore the brunt of BEAR‘s new album (I know this turn-of-phrase has a negative connotation but I’m really struggling to make witty banter here, give me a break). (The album fux.)

Album Premiere: BEAR – Propaganda

Remember G/B/Us in a pre-COVID world? I don’t. We have always been at war with COVID-19.

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