Flush it Friday: GUMBO GUMBO GUMBO



By the time you read this I’ll be boarding a plane and heading to N’AWLINS. The Big Easy. Home of pirates, drunks, and whores, New Orleans! Tacky overpriced souvenir stores, New Orleans! If you’re in the neighborhood you ought to hit me up. I’ll be attending Monday’s BLOOD INCANTATION, ARTIFICIAL BRAIN, DEMILICH show. Come hang out or forever pose. Let’s take a look at the highlights of the week.

We started the week with International Gorguts Day! Read this one with an erratic cadence.

5/7 Is International Gorguts Day! (Starting Now.)

We found a contender for best video of the year.

S.H.O.U.T. – Sell Your Soul To The Devil: A Video Breakdown

And also this other video that’s actually, unironically good!

Morbid Angel’s new video kicks an insane amount of ass

Here’s a hilarious 5-minute sample of my conversation with Axeslasher about the latest conspiracy theory sweeping the ‘nets, #QAnon!

Toilet Radio 119: #QAnon with Axeslasher TEASER

Muscle and Marrow is done. BUT THEY SHALL CONTINUE.

Muscle and Marrow Is No More

The Toilet Boyz put together what might be the funniest show we’ve ever done.

Toilet Radio 120: The Major Motion Picture Soundtrack

Bert Banana reviewed the latest spoopy music from The Body.

Review: The Body – I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer

Read the CLEARLY satirical blog post that’s pissing off dorks everywhere!

Ban Bullet Belts

Finally, Dubs continues to confuse and confound us all.

Ghostblood Is the 13th Ghost of Scooby Doo

Thank you for your continued support of this online pooper. The floor is yours. We’ll be back with your regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

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