Flush It Friday: To the Top of the Charts


It’s the weekend baby. You know what that means. Time to drink exactly one beer and help Joe game the iTunes podcast charts so he can start hawking snake oil and brain pills.

FOLKS, you might not know this, but I do a weekly podcast. It’s called Toilet Radio and recording it is the highlight of my week, minus the countless hours I spend editing the fucking thing. Over the last year 365 Days of Horror and I have had some of our favorite artists join us to talk mad shit on the program and it’s allowed me a place to test my open mic material without risking a beatdown from a Phil Anselmo fan at a comedy club. We’re now 52 episodes deep and our show is only getting better. There’s just one problem: We’re not getting all of the love and devotion we’ve come to deserve for our efforts.

But you can help! And it’s really, really easy! All you gotta do is go rate and review Toilet ov Hell Radio on iTunes. That’s it. Your 15 seconds of gruntwork will help us climb the iTunes charts and crush this blog game. The more podcast juice we get, the more cool shit we can do with the site.

Ask not what your Toilet can do for you, ask what you can do for your Toilet. The answer here, of course, is to help us overcome Joe Rogan’s dumbass stranglehold on the podcast charts. Rate, review, and then brag about it below.

Need something to listen to this weekend? CHECK OUT A FEW OF MY FAVORITE EPISODES THAT YOU MAY HAVE MISSED. The floor is yours now. Have a great one, folks.

Toilet Radio suffers no fool with POWER TRIP

Toilet Radio gets Proggy with THE MANTLE

BONUS Toilet Radio: Talkin’ #Pizzagate with AXESLASHER

Toilet Radio: Talkin’ Slime with Matt from SLUGDGE

Toilet Radio talks SATAN with Nathan Gray of BoySetsFire

(Image Via)

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