Flush It Friday x Bandcamp Friday: A Tradition Like So Many Others


Especially The Masters.

It’s Bandcamp Friday and it’s time to Flush. You know what it is. We’ve got 5 albums and 100 words each. We’ve got riffs. We’ve got doots. We’ve got more riffs. We’ve got even more riffs. We’ve got it all, because those are the only two things that matter. Go buy all these albums and then go Flush yourself!

Acid Mass – Worship
Motorpunk Records | August 2, 2024

Featuring guest spots from illustrious members of the Our Bands are Fast and Cool Club such as Matt Sokol from Wraith, Nicholas Burks from Savage Master, Ash Thomas of Faith Tractor and James McBain of Hellripper, Cincinnati’s throwback black thrash attack Acid Mass is ready to join the Club. This is for fans of early Metallica and Slayer and Aura Noir. This is for terminal velocity hessians of any era. This is for slamming beers in parking lots with your favourite battle vest dork suit. This is for banging your head so hard your brain gives up and hits the escape release.

Berenice – Berenice
APF Records | August 16, 2024

I know what you’re thinking: this just has to be some primo Eyehategod tribute. I mean, just look at the logo and classic Mike IX collage artwork! So, in my best Tim Robinson voice: “Wrong.” Originally formed in 2023, these bellicose Brits play the kind of HM-2 encrusted, ensludged riffing, blown-out throat-shredding hardcore/grindcore mix that’ll have fans of All Pigs Must Die and Black Breath sweating and oinking like the halitosis swine they are. At an outlandish 13 minutes, this 5-track EP is all gas fumes and no pee breaks. Absolutely feral and blood lusting, Berenice is not berry nice.

Garnets of Kurgan – Valley of Jade Towers
Fiadh Productions | August 30, 2024

We’re at the point where I guess I can’t do any kind of album roundup without including at least one release from our beloved Fiadh Productions. This time it’s Garnets of Kurgan, a California fantasy synth project exploring the rich history of the ancient Silk Road. Replete with the grandiose majesty of linking Western and Eastern influences, stories, ideas, and sounds, Valley of Jade Towers becomes more alluring with each subsequent listen. Misty mountains, woven textures, and a sense of adventure, discovery, clashes and intertwined cultural influences are brought to the fore by ethereal flutes, steady beats, and regal synths.

Canopy – Empty Light
Independent | July 2, 2024

This deserves so many more words than the mere 100 I am granting it today, but Canopy’s follow-up to 2020’s phenomenal Humanity Loss can’t sit on the shelf any longer. Shalor Howell (Leafblower) and crew have taken what made their last record so exciting and trimmed the fat, boiled it down, and focused their vision without losing anything, humanity or otherwise. This is a tightly conceived EP that infuses the brooding post-metal of Isis into the backwoods divinity of Rwake while invoking the melancholia of Grief to make something haunting, twisted, cerebral, and heavy. Empty Light is a staggering, brilliant accomplishment.

Pneuma Hagion – From Beyond
Everlasting Spew | August 30, 2024

I know I already spent ample time premiering a track from this album, but I don’t think it can be overstated that this is the kind of Gateways to Annihilation-worship over which Morbid Angel fans sweat the bed in frenzied dreams. At this point, I’m not sure what 2024 album I’ve listened to more. Not a single song over 3 minutes and yet every song has more riffs than you can believe. This thing lands and keeps landing with the authority and force of a planetary collision. “All Worlds Enslaved” is late-era Weekend Nachos playing Steve Tucker. Get. Fucking. Wrecked.

And if that’s not enough for you, take a look at all Toilet ov Hell brought to you this week!

We are forever blessed on Mondays and Tuesdays Wednesdays by Stick and Roldy.

Toilet Radio Episode 515 talkin’ about a bunch of Toilet Radio classic characters. Joe n Jordan get down n dirty with a bunch of people who totally suck!

Toilet Radio 515 – Our Guys

365 hit us with a big phat premiere from Grava. Take a listen, ’cause “Mangled” has the goods.

Premiere: Grava – Mangled

Spear premiered a new one from ToH darlings The Mosaic Window, and we all got absolutely flattened under “The Pounding of Hooves.”

Premiere: The Mosaic Window – “The Pounding of Hooves”

365 catered his own slew of Minis. Something for everyone here!

Mini Reviews From Around The Bowl – 09/05/24

And… what’s this? More Minis?! Stick and McNulty and Hans stuffed even more bite-sized reviews down our gullets.

Mini Reviews From Around The Bowl – 9/6/2024

Aaron nailed this review:

Review: Nails – Every Bridge Burning

It was a great week to be a denizen of the Bowl. Make sure you go and read through and listen through all the stuff on offer. Tell all the contributors how crazy and sexy and cool they are. Lavish them with praise. Then, once you’ve done that, buy all the albums. Then, and only then, can we permit you to hit us with your GBUs. I hope you all have the loveliest of weekends. Go Packers. Go Dawgs. Go having a lot of work to do and having no idea when it’ll get done. Hugs and kisses.

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