Mark Zuckerburg Wants You (to Join the ToH Facebook Group)


Directly following the creation of the Toilet ov Hell, Mark Zuckerburg flooded the ToH email with messages from his personal account, obviously fearing his competition in the booming upstart of Myspace and the much more “in-vogue” Vinbook, humbly begging for our business. When our inbox was no longer able to accommodate the sheer magnitude of his desperate pleas, we finally obliged and created the Toilet ov Hell Facebook Group. He was so excited to work with us that he peed all inside his little entrepreneur pants.*

It’s a win-win, really. Zuckerburg (we call him “Z-man”) got the jump on his competition and scored the allegiance of ToH’s vast community, and we’ve found a nice little home wherein we can interact outside of the blog in his little project. It’s a place where the readers, writers, and editors can share new music, old music, metal news, non-metal news, personal bands/projects, make fun of each others’ taste, and pretty much whatever else.

Here are just a few fulfilling activities that you’ve missed out on in during this week alone:

  • Tons of great new music not featured on the blog. Like this, for example:

  • Tons of interesting news not featured on the blog.
  • Info on record label sales.
  • A thread for sharing pictures of your pets.
  • Discussions about Fallout 4.
  • Good-ass jokes.
  • Drawing tattoos on Jack Bauer’s face with Microsoft Paint.
  • Fan-fiction for Jack Bauer’s date.
  • Otherwise fucking with Jack Bauer.


Click this link right here to join the group.

One more thing. If you like the Toilet ov Hell, go click “like” on the Facebook page. It’ll keep you updated with new blog posts and fresh news. We’re trying to get to 1,000 likes. Once we do, W. has promised to send a signed photo of himself eating a banana to all 1,000 of you. Tell your friends.


Based on a true story.

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