Flush it Friday: Listen to Metal Swim 2


Hey there friend. It sure has been a long work week. Thankfully we’re nearing the golden moment of Friday afternoon, the carefree crest upon which nothing matters anymore. Let’s end this rotten week in style with Adult Swim’s long-awaited sequel to their compilation of fire heavy metal jams, Metal Swim 2.

You got brand new dulcimer metal from BOTANIST. You got brand new glitch metal with Oathbreaker (the highlight of the comp if you ask me). Heck, you’ve even got an unreleased Sunn O))) song if you’re into that sort of thing. And other things! It’s all available to you, the metal consuming consumer, for free right now.

Take a listen as we recap this week in Toilet history.

Ben scored an exclusive interview with the one and only Devin Townsend. Listen as he discusses his art and then pauses the interview abruptly so that he can go take a shit.

Devin Townsend Talks Middle Age, Life, Art

Our sister podcast played some excellent new metal before devolving into a discussion of jenkem.

Riff-Raff Podcast: Ep.18 Biden’s Foul Balls

You people told us how you’d fix the most egregious errors in otherwise beloved records.

Fix An Album With This One Weird Trick

On the main show talked about brain pills and pyramid schemes being hawked by well-known metal artists.

Toilet Radio 180: Tommy Vext’s Brain & Nerve Tonic

Finally, I grabbed a handful of records from the pile consuming my desk and reviewed them for your reading pleasure. They’re pretty good!

You Send Me Things, I Listen to Them: Filth Wizard, Adzes, The Rope

That’s it for Joe Joe. Y’all have a good one.

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