Riff-Raff Podcast: Ep.25 Barefoot ist Hegel


We play new music from Convulsing, Undeath, Class War, Fawn Limbs, Infernal Conjuration, Andavald, and Sedimentum, along with spider envenomed fungi, Artificial galaxy Brains, thong tans, what ever happened to Gruesome, 1999-2002 DC shoes, yeast cannabalism, Québécois nonchalance, and never listening to Beto’s shitty band(s).

Catch-up on last week’s Sewer Metal Special episode here.

Music Featured This Week:
Fawn Limbs – ‘Pines’ from Harm Remissions (out 2/8)
Infernal Conjuration – ‘Dreadful Knowledge’ from Infernale Metallum Mortis (out now)
Convulsing ‘After’ from Errata LP Remaster (out now)
Sedimentum – ‘L’océan Encéphalique’ from Demo (out now)
Andavald – ‘Undir skyggðarhaldi’ from Undir skyggðarhaldi (out now)
Undeath – ‘Phantasmal Festering’ from Sentient Autolysis (out 29/7)
Class War – ‘You’ll Burn’ from Demo 2019 (out now)

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