Stream ELECTRIC WIZARD’s “SadioWitch”


After a five-year trip (trip, not trip), Electric Wizard have apparently run out of hallucinogenics and decided it’s about time to reclaim the dopethrone of stoner/doom metal via Time to Die, their eighth studio album set for release on September 29 via Spinefarm Records.

Fans of the band/drugs/murder have probably already heard and very much enjoyed their first single, I Am Nothing. Now we get to hear a new one.

“SadioWitch,” which is pretty up-tempo by Electric Wizard standards, kicks off with a single guitar sputtering thick fuzz. Once the drums are introduced by a grumbling bass lick, you’re thrown straight into a bubbling cauldron to boil to death within the viscid broth of pure riffery. Mr. Jus Osborn does what he does best, which is moan lazily through his nose about shit that nobody knows about, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As Electric Wizard’s shortest non-intro/interlude/outro track since Dopethrone’s “Vinum Sabbathi” in 2000, it’s short, but it rules the entire world for the duration of its four-minute run time.

I really hate to have to do this to you, but I’m going to send you over to Pitchfork to stream this, as they have the fancy exclusive. Dr. Henry Walton “Indiania” Jones, Jr. had to fly in the face of peril for his treasure. You can, too!

Click the image to pre-order Time to Die.

Time to Die


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