Sunday Sesh: The Art Of The Score


Let’s dive into the music that accompanied some of your favourite moments in cinematic history.

After being involved with this site for going on 4 years now, I’ve begun to notice the signs of metallic burnout at increasingly earlier stages. Sometimes all it takes is a day or two of listening to some other genres to redress the problem, other times all it takes is the release of a rager to rekindle that fire. Lately however, I’ve noticed that during those times I’ve tended grow tired of all music. Not a great feeling. Sitting in silence sounds appealing, but then I remember dealing with my own thoughts without external distraction. Fuck that. One thing that has helped prolong the stretches of time where listening to music is possible has been by breaking the day up with some decent podcasts; mostly comedy stuff about poop jokes and dismantling hegemonic socio-political systems, you know, stuff for dickheads. However, there is one such podcast which I actually think you’ll love that I’d like to share with you today called Art Of The Score.

Art Of The Score is a show hosted by 3 Australian music afficiandos. Between them they offer some incredibly well-researched and interesting insights into the composition, arrangements, and all associated aspects of the soundtracks that adorn some of your favourite films. As I said earlier, I’m only a newcomer to this show and having sort of shuffled around the 20 odd shows they have published so far, I can confirm it doesn’t really matter which episode you start on.

While the discussion is incisive, nuanced and often funny, even just hearing some of the isolated OST material without the special effects and dialogue itself is a treat. This, coupled with the fact that one of the hosts (Andrew?) frequently uses an in-house piano to improvise themes and motifs on demand to help explain points, makes for an incredibly comprehensive and entertaining listen. Now I will link the show’s main page at the bottom of this post, but I’ve managed to embed a few selections which might interest you to sample today.

Episode 1: Indiana Jones (Part 1)

Episode 7: Star Wars (Pt. 1)

Episode 10: Batman

Episode 18: James Bond (Pt. 1)

Full Episode List:

  1. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Part 1)
  2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Part 2)
  3. Jurassic Park
  4. Vertigo
  5. Star Trek
  6. Dances With Wolves
  7. Star Wars (Part 1)
  8. Star Wars (Part 2)
  9. Star Wars (Part 3)
  10. Batman
  11. There Will Be Blood
  12. Back To The Future
  13. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone
  14. Stranger Things
  15. The Force Awakens (Part 1)
  16. The Force Awakens (Part 2)
  17. Gladiator
  18. James Bond (Part 1)
  19. James Bond (Part 2)
  20. James Bond (Part 3)

Art Of The Score

Website | Facebook

And if you can’t get by without a daily dose of metal, and/or are so fucking cool that you find blockbuster movies passé, then here’s a new Temple Nightside track for you to revel in. ‘Exhumation; Miseries Upon Imprecation’ marks the first material for the Aussie death occultists since 2016’s The Heqqintomb Hecatomb. Other than the title of the upcoming record (Recondemnation), there has been scant other information regarding the release as yet. So, maybe go listen to one of the podcasts I just waffled on about instead, you obstinate fuck.

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