The Most Innovative Guitarist In Metal Tournament: Round 2 (Pt.I)


Today we unveil the first of the mysterious top 16 seeds and begin voting on round two of our tournament where you help us decide which modern guitarist most deserves recognition for their boundary pushing creativity in metal.

Before we announce 8 of the 16 big guns who were awarded a first round bye last week, let’s take a look at the results from the qualifying contests. Many match-ups on this side of the bracket came down just a few percentage points separating the competitors, the polling between Car Bomb‘s Greg Kubacki and Gigan‘s Eric Hersemann was almost close enough to warrant keeping the voting open for another few hours. Also notable was Czral’s big comeback against G.D.C of Abyssal, and Josh Raiken (Suffering Hour) shitting all over Ronny Sword.

So after all that here’s the bracket as it stands now.

Now it’s time for you to listen in and cast your round two votes.

Josh Raiken (Suffering Hour)

Scientifically proven to have penned the best riffs of 2017.

Volahn (Volahn | Axeman | Arizmenda)

Raw riffing and majestic melodies with a uniquely Mesoamerican twist.

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Arthur Rizk (Sumerlands)

Joe’s boy got them riffs.

Paul Reidl (Blood Incantation | Spectral Voice)

Death, doom, and dimensional drift.

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Czral (Virus | Aura Noir | Infernö)

Absurd sonic scrawlings of a Scandinavian existentialist abandoned in the desert.

Noyan Tokgözoğlu (NYN | Carthage)

Can’t pronounce his name, can’t play his riffs. The true sign of innovation.

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Naas Alcameth (Akhlys | Nightbringer | Bestia Arcana)

Spectral conjurings of ghastly intent.

Phil Tougas (Chthe’ilist | First Fragment)

Weird-death, tech-death, death-death, riff-death.

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Alex Poole (Skáphe | Chaos Moon | Entheogen)

Some of the most singular-sounding psychotropic shit put to tape.

Kalevi Uibo (Chaos Echœs)

Anarchic blends of the incongruous that invade the psyche.

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Dylan DiLella (Pyrrhon)

Garðar S. Jónsson (Sinmara | Almyrkvi)

Possessed by an untamed beast beyond this universe.

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Jake Wilkes (Disentomb)

In a bold move for someone playing within the brutal death metal genre, Jake successfully attempted to write songs.

Gabriele Gramaglia (The Clearing Path)

Astounding compositions that shift the sands of time to their whim.

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Adam Kalmbach (Jute Gyte)

Music meets math.


Greg Kubacki (Car Bomb)

Meshuggah meets meth.

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