Video Premiere: Bangladeafy – “Espionage”


It’s a Bangladeafy freakout!

In the original Batman movie, Bruce Wayne (played by the best Batman, Michael Keaton, fight me) said “Ya wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts.” Well, drum-and-bass lunatics Bangladeafy get nuts. Not like “drink a lot and pick a fight with a stop sign” nuts or “agree to tour with The Faceless” nuts. I mean like they smash you directly in the face with a pie made of frantic sound, bizarre images, and other sensory-overloading methods. Also, the pie has a lovely lattice crust and a slight hint of cinnamon. Does that sound nuts? That sounds like Bangladeafy.

Today we’re proud to premiere the band’s new music video for Bangladeafy’s song “Espionage” from their new album Ribboncutter. It’s dark and weird, but you won’t be able to turn away. Espionage is a fever-dream drenched in bad acid and good cough syrup. It twists, turns, shifts, and discombobulates. It  stays crunchy even in milk. Really, it’s the perfect song and video for a place called Toilet Ov Hell.

About the video, Bangladeafy’s Jon Ehlers says, “This is our second time working with Jason Smallwood. We trust his vision so we gave him full creative control, but when contrasting this video with the previous one, I’m proud of it but also concerned for his mental health. It might be a cry for help.”

You know you want to press play.

Bangladeafy’s new album Ribboncutter is out now via Nefarious Industries. Give ’em a like on Facebook and a follow on Twitter. You can also check out a bass playthrough here.

(Full disclosure: One of my bands is on Nefarious Industries. Yay transparency!)

Header photo by Nick Spadafora

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