Riff-Raff Podcast: Ep.14 It’s Owl In The Family


We’re joined by speciowl guest Roldo to discuss a bunch of new trad, speed, death, war, and moar metal. We also get into Sekiro, kratom, Kit’s new cassette habit, Bono wanking on your music library, barefoot being legal, bionomial nomenclature nerd shit, and a bunch of old-ass vidya nostalgia.

Get in here if you missed last week’s death metal eggingraciststravaganza.

Music Featured This Week:

Stälker – ‘Powermad’ from Powermad (out now)
Astriferous – ‘Mind Bending Distortions’ from Raise High The Scepter Of Indulgence (out now thru Desert Wastelands)
Smoulder – ‘Ilian Of Garathorm’ from Times Of Obscene Evil And Wild Daring (out April 26th thru Cruz del Sur)
Cosmic Putrefaction – ‘The Ancient Demagogue’ from At The Threshold Of The Greatest Chasm (out April 19th thru I, Voidhanger)
Ruin Lust – ‘Sacrifice’ from Sacrifice (out now)
Thecodontion – ‘Breviparopus taghbaloutensis’ from Jurassic (out now thru Xenoglossy Productions)

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