Flush it Friday: Good Friday? Best Friday!


Joe’s not here, man.

Welcome back to Friday afternoon. If you’ll notice, by all the tumbleweeds rolling down the sidewalk, today is a holiday. It’s Good Friday, which I believe has something to do with some kind of a religion or another. All I know is that I’m not at work right now so if you ask me, this Good Friday is the Best Friday. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights from this week.

Our quest to determine the most innovative young guitarist in metal is finally completed. We crowned our champion and his name shall live forever in metal halls eternal.

And The Most Innovative Guitarist In Metal Today Is…

365 brought you another fine gif breakdown featuring Powder in a diaper.

Consumed By Vultures – Behold The Devastation: A Video Breakdown

The podcast this week centered on your favorite classic rock musicians and how they’re all total degenerate scumbags.

Toilet Radio 112: No More Rock Stars

You shared your worst concert stories with us. Cringe while you read stories of heartbreak, broken bones, and lots of vomit. A must read:

Question Of The Week: What Is Your Worst Live Concert Story?

Finally, R.M. from Zealotry dropped by to enlighten y’all with the best #longread this humble Toilet has ever featured.

Rock Against Anything: How Metal Became So Fucking Reactionary and What to Do About It

That’s all for me. Thank you for your continued support of this particular online potty. The floor is yours.

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