
Flush It Friday: Graveyard Grumblings


I spent this morning in the graveyard. Though it was to cover a really cool project—namely, the laying of headstones on the heretofore unmarked graves of Negro League baseball’s unsung heroes and their families, which absolutely rules—it gave me some time to contemplate mortality while walking back home.

I know through our compassionate Discord community (which you should consider joining!) that some Toileteers are going through it this week. It’s always great to see how supportive our people can be when the chips are down. Part of the reason I think metalheads are mostly kind people is precisely because we’re all morbid as fuck. We’re fascinated by the many ways life can go awry, whether it’s the dark temptation ov Satan or the gruesome state of American society. Because we’re hyperaware of that, I think we try to ease that burden, whether it’s by being like, “hey, like your shirt” at a show, or leaving it all on the floor creating the death-obsessed music we love. Spending time in a graveyard or spending time in a mosh pit listening to gory screams is a time to contrast where you are with where you could be.

This is all to say: be kind, and for fuck’s sake don’t be racist like Kenesaw Mountain Landis and consign people like Josh Gibson to a life and death on the margins. Metal is as much about celebrating life as it is celebrating death, and if you don’t get that, you’re probably an asshole. Here are the ways our Toilet community celebrated metal this week.

The Boyz™ talked No Cover:

One Ben Serna-Gray reviewed Non Serviam (how great is that album title?):

The Riff Raff gang talked WOOORRRMMMRRROOOOOTTT:

Are you having a great Friday? Hit us with the G/B/U’s below.

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