Flush It Friday: Inundation ov Emails


My crusted eyes peel open at 7am, and I’m ready to seize the day. That is, until I roll over and reach for my phone, which will turn out to be the first mistake of many. Every single label and artist on Bandcamp has gone berserk today, drowning unsuspecting fans in a deluge of paralyzing options. All around the world, wallets groan like empty stomachs. Inboxes grow heavy and the will to save for retirement falters. Let’s take a look back at the week before the last of our currency crumbles.

Lacertilian smashed mouths with a track premiere from Takafumi Matsubara.

Premiere: Takafumi Matsubara’s ‘Ice Pick’ Is The Sharpest Tool In The Shed

Karhu put the hurt on all of us with a review of Mizmor‘s new album, Cairn.

Get Your Bummer On With Mizmor’s Cairn

McNulty displayed vinyl relics from a land that never was.

Vinyl VVednesday: Finnish Him! (Vol. 1)

According to Richter, all previous Haunter records quale in comparison to their new joint.

Review: Haunter — Sacramental Death Qualia

What are you waiting for? Get to shitpostin’!

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