Sunday Sesh: Lurkers’ Open Day.


Fresh year, fresh start. To kick off 2016 I thought it would be cool to dedicate a post to the lurkers here. In 2015 we had a fair few new voices giving input into the community discussion, but it is still apparent that there are hordes of you who lurk in the shadows. This is an open swim for you to drop in and say hello!

There are a bunch of us bowl dwellers who disqus the content on here daily, whether it be on the blog or in the FB group, over topics including music, film, art, fitness, cooking, beer, dogs, the quality of Home Alone gifs, the damn weather and pretty much everything associated with metal. There are also some who choose to ignore the sacred pact and post fucking anime, for whom, the locker of shame awaits.


I’m almost certain that the vast majority of you will have relevant and well thought-out contributions to make to the site over the coming year of content; you also most likely have/could create a disqus handle that doesn’t seem to be comprised of ‘swear words’ for 7-year olds. So today would be a great time for those who’ve always considered posting a comment (but have lacked the right moment), so jump in, swim up to the bar and get yourself a tasty beverage.

(Image via, via, via)


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