Toilet Radio Vacation Playlist


It’s vacation week for Joe, so on this episode of Toilet Radio we’re sharing some of our favorite new music and telling our shittiest jokes. These are brand new Toilet jams so you better get in here if you wanna be on the cutting edge of what’s cool. Listen now or forever pose.

Music featured in this program:

Chaos – “All Against All” from All Against All (Bandcamp)(Facebook)
Dead Wretch (Void Ritual) – “Hellfire” from Hellfire (Bandcamp)(Facebook)
Fin – “A Wall Of Stone” from Arrows of a Dying Age (Bandcamp)(Facebook)
Trees of Eternity – “Broken Mirror” from Hour of the Nightingale (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Serenity in Murder – “The Revelation” from The Eclipse (Facebook)(iTunes)
Rope Sect – “Fallen Nation” from Personae Ingratae (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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