The Top Albums ov 2019: As Backed By Science!


The. Last. List.

The very same Advanced Mathematicsâ„— that has allowed me to remain perpetually on the threshold of bankruptcy my entire working life has been applied to our 2019 Top 10 Album Lists to ascertain what would be our combined AOTY among the Toilet ov Hell contributors. Basically, if an album came in as someone’s #10 it received 11 points, #9 scored 12 points, #8 scored 13 points, all the way down to our #1’s getting 20 points. Pretty fucking tech, right? I have a mortgage and support an infant. In contrast to last year where we had so many ties that 25 albums were included just to reach a top 15, this year saw far less overlap between our writers. Any drawn/tied entries were arranged with the albums occurring on the most lists up higher, in the event that they were still tied, I arbitrarily assigned them a rank. Eat shit, listnerds.

If you haven’t at least given each one of these albums a shot during the year then what the fuck are you even doing here? Seriously, why read end of year lists? If it’s just to skim through and reaffirm your taste with silent nods to each album you already liked and comment “No [other album]?” when your pick isn’t mentioned then you should really just log off and stick to the thrilling autofellatio experience you seem to desire. For those of you who enjoy new music, should you like to read more about a certain one I’ve linked interviews/features to the band names and reviews to the album names (where applicable).

=10. Russian Circles – Blood Year

14 points (Joaquin Stick)
13 points (Lacertilian)

= 27 points

=10. HaunterSacramental Death Qualia

14 points (Leif Bearikson)
13 points (Richter)

= 27 points

=9. BaronessGold & Grey

19 points (365 Days Of Horror)
12 points (Joaquin Stick)


= 31 points

=9. Cult Of Luna – A Dawn To Fear

20 points (Joaquin Stick)
11 points (Karhu)

= 31 points

=9. EsotericA Pyrrhic Existence

16 points (Sepulcrustacean)
15 points (Leif Bearikson)

= 31 points

8. Witch VomitBuried Deep In A Bottomless Grave

19 points (Hans)
13 points (Leif Bearikson)

= 32 points

=7. Alcest – Spiritual Instinct

17 points (Ben Serna-Grey)
17 points (SLNC)

= 34 points

=7. מזמור – Cairn

18 points (Leif Bearikson)
16 points (Lord ov Bork)

= 34 points

6. VĂ©hĂ©mence – Par le Sang VersĂ©

20 points (Karhu)
15 points (SLNC)

= 35 points

5. Funereal Presence – Achatius

14 points (Hans)
14 points (BW)
12 points (Karhu)

= 40 points

2019 – Unspeakable Axe Records

4. NucleusEntity

18 points (Lacertilian)
13 points (Karhu)
11 points (Leif Bearikson)

= 42 points

3. Vultures Vengeance – The Knightlore

17 points (BW)
17 points (Sepulcrustacean)
14 points (Joe Thrashnkill)

= 48 points

2. SinmaraHvĂ­sl Stjarnanna

20 points (SLNC)
16 points (Lacertilian)
15 points (Joaquin Stick)

= 51 points

1. Blood Incantation – Hidden History Of The Human Race

20 points (Leif Bearikson)
19 points (Lord ov Bork)
16 points (Joe Thrashnkill)

= 55 points

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