Flush it Friday: Raise your Glasses in Memory


This is not a lament, this is a celebration of fuzzy friends no longer with us. While all companion critters are special, today we honor Biscuit and Tara (family of McNulty and Ben Serna-Grey respectively), who undoubtedly enriched the lives of their humans. Their GBPs and GGPs (Good Boy/Good Girl Points) were off the charts, and they will live on in the memories of all who met them (Hell, I never met them, but I know I’ve sorely missed out). To friendship, to interspecies respect, to barks and meows and all other ululations.

Biscuit, the best boi.

Tara, sweetest lady in the land.

Speaking of good boiz, here’re some highlights from our very own.

365 brought the bees with this belligerent Beekeeper bruiser:

Beekeeper – Vargas: A Video Breakdown

Hans unveilenced his thoughts on the new Moloken monstrosity:

Review: Moloken – Unveilance of Dark Matter

Ben Serna-Grey showed us that Thy Catafalque is anything but Naiv:

Review: Thy Catafalque – Naiv

I once more sucked up a spot on my own FiF post for my monthly appearance to tell you about weird animals:

Nature Is Beautiful (Vol. VI – Mollusca & Friends)

Shitpost for the animals. G/B/Us: Giraffes, Bison and Urchins.

P.S.: BSG wrote a free essay in memory of his sweet girl. Check it out here.

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