Flush it Friday: A Great Mystery


You’ll be able to tell pretty quickly that not much is going on in my life this week. But yes, I did get to thinking, what the everloving f*qq is happening in this Star Trek scene? Jump to 0:50 and listen for a couple of seconds. HUHN-HUHN-HUHN-HUHN-HUHN. Like, why did Patrick Stewart do that? Was he drunk as AF? Was it an inside joke? A mini-stroke? Is his acting really that atrocious?

This is in the same class as the weird tongue flick that Jeff Goldblum did in Jurassic Park:

There must be some other legendary examples of weird, unexplained crap like this in different forms of media. Please share with each other in the comments. Speaking of legends, here is some of this week’s #CONTENT from your Toilet boiz.

IGoM swung from the Canopy with some fancy-ass words that belie the filthy sludge underneath:

Not at a Loss for Words: A Review of Canopy’s Humanity Loss

BMP soaked up the Sonshine on a vacation from that stupid metal bullshit we all love so much (impeccable header image by ME, tyvm):

BMP’s Super Soft Metal Vacation

Stick got Intronauty with his review of Fluid Existential Inversions:

Review: Intronaut’s Latest Trip Takes a Turn


Psalm Zero — Sparta (Review sans obvious jokes)

No but really, I crave more weird media phenomena. I expect to see some crazy stuff down here along with your G/B/Us. Don’t disappoint me!

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