Mutilation Rites Stream “Harbinger”


I really appreciate it when a band writes lyrics unique to their own experience rather than simply vomiting the tired themes of their target genre; especially when those themes don’t apply to them in any meaningful way. For example, there’s something about a Brazilian Viking metal band that feels inauthentic to me. NYC-based black metal outfit Mutilation Rites seem to understand this, and their music comes off as honest and sincere because of it. Maybe they don’t need to write about Satan because they’ve seen true evil deep within the dead eyes of the good people of New York. And you know what’s more depressing than frostbitten Scandinavian winters? Trying to park your fucking car in New York City.

Not that you can easily understand what’s being said, as most of the time George Paul’s vocals just sound like infinite variations of “blegh” and “blargh.” If you have a problem with that, by the way, you’re a flush-bound poser and should be killed.

But enough talk, peasants! Mutilation Rites is streaming their new album, Harbinger, in full over at the PRP. I was a huge fan of the pissed-off flurry that was Empyrean, and I’m glad to hear it taken even further on their new record. So put on your big boy trousers, wipe off that breastmilk-mustache, and get over to the PRP and stream this thing. Then lets Disqus it.


Keep an eye out for Harbinger, set for a release by Prosthetic Records on July 22!

(Photo Via)

(Editor’s Note: I meant to publish this earlier. If you saw this band mentioned on a lesser site earlier today, I sincerely apologize. – Joe)

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