Stream Disintegration’s Cruel Slaughter EP in full!


Cruel it is, and slaughter it shall.

Whatever became of the grand grind of days past? Where have they gone, the Terrorizers and the early Carcasses? The children they spawned might be doing a satisfactory job, but more often than not, it seems like they’ve forgotten their dear old parents. They don’t visit them in the old folk’s home. They don’t bring flowers to their graves. To be fair, we here at the Toilet don’t deal in flowers, either (though you can always head to the Facebook group for some fine manure posting), but we can respect a band paying their respects. We are therefore stoked to bring you a full stream of Disintegration‘s upcoming EP, Cruel Slaughter.

The EP only marks Disintegration’s second assault after their Demo released about a year ago, but the band is comprised of extreme metal veterans from projects like Antichrist Siege Machine, Battlemaster, and grind acts Cellgraft and Sacridose. In short, these guys know what they’re doing, and their sound is equally informed by their death metal background as it is by the gore-soaked end of the grind spectrum. While the lyrics deal with political topics, Disintegration are all too happy to play in the muck; the guttural vocals accompanied by filthy-sounding instrumentation are as much of an indicator of this as the awesomely disgusting cover art. Cruel Slaughter truly combines the best of the worlds discovered by the above-mentioned legends.

To top it all off, supporting Disintegration means supporting a good cause. The EP will be released via Absolute Contempt Records, who routinely pass on their proceeds to animal rescue projects. Mosh out to pulverizing grindcore and save some kittens and puppers in the process? Sign me the fuck up!

For more info on the release (and a couple of photos of animals), check out the label’s Facebook. Disintegration seem to be playing gigs all the time, so why not give them a like as well to catch them when they’re in your area.

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