Flush It Friday: Da Share Your Feelings Z0ne


The weekend is upon us.

Howdy folks. I’m a little busy with work at the moment so I’ll keep this brief. I’m gonna share the highlights of this week in the Toilet and you guys are gonna have lovely conversations with each other in the comments below the post. And if you wanna go above and beyond the call of duty you can subscribe the the Patreon and rate & review the podcast on iTunes. (Note: Patreon subscribers can expect digital rewards this weekend and physical rewards next week). OK, I love you bye.

I really, really love all this shit

New-ish Genre Alert: This Genre Needs A Name

Also, I don’t hate this song?

Kane Roberts – Beginning Of The End feat. Alice Cooper & Alissa White-Gluz: A Video Breakdown

Toilet Radio is rill good this week

Toilet Radio 165: Speak American or Die

Joaquin is taking one for the team

Reviewing the 5 Worst Rated Progressive Metal Albums

You’ve got a little time left to vote on the greatest album art of the century. Hurry! Do it now!

Album Art Of The Century Tournament: Pool A – Round 1.1

Album Art Of The Century Tournament: Pool A – Round 1.2

Album Art Of The Century Tournament: Pool B Round 1.3

Album Art Of The Century Tournament: Pool B – Round 1.4

Alrighty, get to it.

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