Addendum: Top 10 DM Albums Of The Last 10 Years – The Runners Up


I dun fucked up.

Yesterday we unveiled our Toilet ov Hell Top 10 Death Metal Albums Of 2008-2018. While it was a bit of a headache to iron out, it was a lot of fun nonetheless. However, after going through and responding to a bunch of queries about where [insert album] placed, I discovered that my rapid mental decay has reached the point where counting to three a hundred or so times is apparently too difficult a task to manage. Our list should have had 9 albums tied for 3rd on 3 votes. While the blame rests solely on me, I would like to point out that none of these other dang dunny gumbies in the TovH writing staff noticed the error either. Anyway, I knew it was too good to be true that we had exactly 10 records seperated from the pack; the record that should have been included as the 11th choice, also tied for third place on 3 votes was…

Le Dernier Crépuscule [2016]

Just before you cry sabotage, know that this eldritch dedication to all things Lovecraft was actually one of my votes too. So I short-changed myself as much as anyone else. Anyway, because some pedants seem to care about trivial shit even more than I, here it has its own special spot. And if you’d like to know more about it, you can head over here and check out all the linked articles where we cover these Cthulian cronies in all manner of forms.

And while we’re here, there was quite a bit of interest from the community around the various posts in finding out which albums were on the cusp of the Top 10. Here are a few notable picks which were left languishing outside the hall on two votes each.

Archaeaeon  [2008]

Charnel Passages  [2015]

Esoteric Malacology  [2018]

[TovH Radio InterviewTalkin’ Slime w/ Matt]

Patricidal Lust  [2013]

Tomb Mold
Primordial Malignity  [2017]


Necronomic Warfare  [2014]

The Faceless
Planetary Duality  [2008]

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