AHAHAHA, welcome back to this edition of Flush it Friday that I totally definitely wrote well in advance of right ... -
The Mailmanbro Returneth: Show Us Your Haul!
The great and mighty Mailmanbro returns this month, and he’s brought his cousin, Recordstorebro, with him. WARNING: Colorful and non-Metal ... -
Sound Off: You have a hugely popular band. What’s your entrance music?
Take the stage to the strains of your favorite movie soundtrack! *power metallers immediately look up title theme from Krull* -
This Toilet Tuesday (3/15/16)
Greetings, fellow flushers, and welcome to another This Toilet Tuesday! Weeks heavy with new music like this one are a ... -
Sunday Sesh: Bracketology
March Madness is upon us! If you’re like me and only pay attention to college basketball during this special time ... -
Flush It Friday: LET THE SUN SHINE
Welcome back to Friday afternoon, the sweetest part of the whole week. -
This Toilet Tuesday (3/8/16)
Greetings, Toileters, and welcome to another This Toilet Tuesday! It’s getting difficult to stay both grim and frostbitten with the ... -
Send Your Shit to the Toilet ov Hell
Want to send us something? This is how we handle Toilet ov Hell submissions. -
Sunday Sesh: Companion Albums
Some things just seem made for each other. Black metal and Winter. Thrash and beer. Doom and weed. Bacon and ... -
Flush It Friday: Who Wants My Cat
Ahhhhh, Friday. How we have longed for thine gentle caress upon the loins of our freedom. Join me, friends and lurkers ...