Riff Of The Week: Video Game Title Edition


It’sa me! Vote or-a die!

Last week I finally gave in and gave you dragon rooters a Power Metal Edition. Someone sent in Metallica because of something Ron McfuckingGovney said. People somehow accepted this and voted for it. Thankfully their act of sedition was not able to topple the majority who saw through this disregard for the sanctity and spirit of RotW. In the end it mattered not, as McNulty crushed it with over 40% of the total vote.

This week our theme was riffs from songs/bands featuring a video game title/reference in their name.

Contrary to the predictions in last week’s comments, not only were there no Tomb Mold submissions, there were no submissions at all until late in the week, and only 2 in total. Pretty weak. Thought you kids liked vidya? Just a cursory search in my library results in 420 songs with “Doom” in their title. Another 69 results for “Sonic”. I’m sure there are probably other video games too. I dunno.

Firelink – “Kindled” (Riff @ 4:50)

You like Dark Souls and progressive death metal with a blackened edge? You probably like this. You don’t like Dark Souls? You still probably like this. Seriously, these guys are very, very good.

Soulmass – ‘Praise the Sun’ (Riff @ 0:10)

This is a pretty speedy riff from a very cool doom band called Soulmass. They write songs about Dark Souls, which is a video game. This band kicks butt and their vocalist is one of the coolest people! This album is chock full of epic tracks discussing the lore of dying over and over and over again.

Harsh Realm – ‘Portal’ (Riff @ 0:00)

Portal is a game I’ve never played. Thankfully that wasn’t a pre-requisite for submitting, as there’s a shit-tonne of songs with Portal in their title. Here’s a good one we covered on the Riff-Raff Podcast from a couple of months ago.

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Next week is our Half-Yearly Edition
Send in your fave riffs released in 2019 so far
Anyone can enter, submission details below

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